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A blood pressure chart is a must if you are diagnosed with high blood pressure. To maximize your chances of successfully lowering your hypertension you will need to work with your physician and also follow your own progress. To do this you need to learn to take your own blood pressure, keep a daily or weekly record of your blood pressure morning pulse, weight, and amount of exercise.
You are the one who is ultimately responsible for your own health and you can change the odds of suffering from complications or dying from high blood pressure. So monitor your progress by keeping a chart.
A blood pressure chart helps to pinpoint the range of risks associated with your blood pressure, whether you have normal blood pressure readings or not.
The blood pressure reading chart helps doctors and patients to plot the place they are in, physically, in terms of their high blood pressure readings. These charts have organization with one side representing systolic blood pressure and the other side representing diastolic.
A line goes between the two numbers from your blood pressure reading to show the risks associated with that level.
So now let me explain and tell you the importance of how to read blood pressure.
If a person has a systolic blood pressure reading (the first number) that is 130 and a diastolic blood pressure reading (the second number) of 85, a line may be drawn on the high blood pressure chart connecting these two numbers.
This elevated level of blood pressure indicates a "high normal" reading. Doctors may diagnose this as pre-hypertension, a condition that can progress into high blood pressure quickly.
In addition, even a free chart will provide information on a total range of blood pressure numbers. This includes low blood pressure or hypotension.
For example, a reading of 70/45 may indicate that the individual is at risk of being weak and tired, perhaps even likely to faint. This information comes directly from the charts.
You knowing how to read blood pressure will help your doctors to monitor your overall health, for it is very important to have accurate numbers to compare.
So having and writing your measurements onto a printable chart will help immensely. They may make several recommendations prior to obtaining your blood pressure reading.
Your doctor will explain blood pressure readings to you in detail before making any recommendations.
Why does any of this matter?
In short, doctors need to know where you stand right now. This allows the doctor, as well as you, to understand how much risk of developing a heart condition or having a stroke is evident.
A chart can help to bring together both the first and second number of your blood pressure and tell doctors where the actual problem is. This helps pinpoint your health status and allows doctors to make wise decisions about treatment.
So a blood pressure chart is just one tool available to doctors to examine and diagnose an individual's health. Many free charts are available that you can use to see where your risks lie.
Also do your own research and read as much as you can on blood pressure links and resources that may help keep you off medications and reverse your condition.
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