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HBP Wellness Lifestyle Podcast
Donna Williams

As you listen to my podcast named 'High Blood Pressure Wellness Lifestyle Podcast with Donna Williams', for your search which I shorten to these episodes of HBP Wellness Lifestyle Podcast with Donna Williams, look for yourself within each episode and in the experiences of others.

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mike. Microphone.

I created these episodes for you to examine your feelings of what you are willing to do to make changes in your life in order to be a healthier person physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Do you ever wonder if your diet could strengthen your immune system? Or wonder whether your food choices are damaging your heart? Would like to use herbs or alternative medicine to improve your health? Or even choose “natural” foods without additives to avoid developing another chronic disease.

Your choice of diet profoundly influences your long-term health prospects. You see the foods we choose have cumulative effects on our body.

Within the episodes of HBP Wellness Lifestyle Podcast, I’ll be talking, teaching and explaining the 12 areas within the circle of life topics that brings you to more awareness about yourself and your goals.

Also, there will be special episodes devoted to the body and soul of Black women who were diagnosed with heart disease at a young age, that have twice as many cases of high blood pressure as whites, with nearly 50 percent overweight.

The episodes that’s geared towards women I’ll try to emphasize how self-care is an empowerment tool to heal ourselves, us being able to go inside, to touch ourselves, to breathe fire and life into ourselves so we can know how good health feels like.

This and so much more is what this podcast is about along with showing you how you can eat incredibly delicious, satisfying foods, while eating healthy and lose weight as part of the foundation in reversing your high blood pressure numbers, and your dependence on blood pressure medications.

Episodes Of HBP Wellness Lifestyle Podcast

HBP Wellness Lifestyle Podcast - Good Health Is About Intuition

When we as a community are faced with health challenges, we have to tune into everything and everyone around us, collect as much information as possible, talk with our doctors, go inside ourselves, and believe in our ability to make the decision that will lead to healing, and that also means this podcast series.

Hopefully with high blood pressure wellness lifestyle podcast episodes you’ll discover that we have to talk to each other, learn how to improve our personal and collective health.

This is what I share with my amazing community. They then start to realize it can become simple and EASY to reduce their weight, dependence on blood pressure medication, while fueling their body with nourishing, delicious foods. And also make a place within themselves where healing can begin.

An Invitation To You!

I’m inviting you to consider this invitation as a chance to prioritize your wellbeing by clicking here to schedule a complimentary 30-minute Zoom meeting with me.

Together we’ll explore healthier alternatives, make mindful choices that you will enjoy that’s full of flavors you love without compromising your health. Then create your unique plan that meets your needs. I eagerly look forward to getting to know you and being able to support you on your health journey. Thank you for accepting this invitation.

Or are you interested in seeking personalized health coaching or about working with me? Your wellbeing is my top priority, and I am dedicated to ensuring that you do not miss out on the opportunity to transform your health. Let us connect without delay and explore how I can empower you to achieve lasting results.

I limit my availability to 8 active clients at a time so that I can maintain a high level of care and attention for each client. It is so important to me that you have the opportunity to benefit from my personalized coaching and guidance.

Thanks for listening to High Blood Pressure Wellness Lifestyle Podcast with Donna Williams.

Here we are family, I am cheering for you!

About Your Wellness Lifestyle Guide

Again, I’m Donna Williams and thank you for joining me today on HBP Wellness Lifestyle Podcast!  I’m a certified holistic health coach, owner of, where I am committed to transforming lives through tailored wellness strategies.

WOC - nothing is impossible.

Through my comprehensive online programs and personalized coaching, I offer, especially to people of color, effective strategies on overcoming high blood pressure numbers and its complications, mindful eating programs and blood sugar management that focuses on long-lasting lifestyle change, rather than short-term fixes. The development of one healthy habit within 30 days, and seasonal 5-day whole foods detox programs that teaches the principles of clean eating.

There is so much to learn about living healthy. I hope with each episode you’ll realize your continual process of growth and hopefully you’ll be willing to make the changes in your life, in order to release yourself from whatever is holding you back from where your healing can begin.  You deserve it.

Get started today listening to the many episodes of High Blood Pressure Wellness Lifestyle Podcast, click the fan mail icon to leave me a comment, and you might get a shout-out in a future episode. Don’t forget to subscribe and rate us too. Thanks again for your support. Also I would truly appreciate if you could share this page's link with friends and family. This is your guide to healthy living and your transformation.


Do write me a note  here with a topic you would like me to research, offer tips on and talk about on my podcast.

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