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Did you know that secondary high blood pressure is caused from a specific disease? And, if the person is cured of the disease that is causing the secondary blood pressure, then your high blood pressure is automatically lowered. Can you imagine your high blood pressure and other signs and symptoms of the disease just disappearing?
These are some of the causes for secondary high blood pressure:
Coarctation of the Aorta - which is a narrowing of your large artery that leaves your heart.
Thyroid Hormone - whether too much or too little thyroid hormone can be associated with high blood pressure.
Acromegaly - a disease caused by a tumor on your pituitary gland that makes too much growth hormone.
Brain tumor - caused by an increase pressure within your brain and the blood pressure within your body.
Burns - can also cause an increase in your blood pressure.
Sleep Apnea - is a significant problem. With the decrease in oxygen while sleeping your blood vessels constricts affecting your blood pressure.
Most of these causes are reversible and your high blood pressure responds to the curing or correction of these diseases.
If you have any of these indications talk with your doctor immediately:
When you are able to find and treat secondary high blood pressure early, you are more likely to return to normal before permanent changes to your body occur.
The kidneys remove waste products from the blood and helps to control blood pressure. Your kidneys filter over 200 quarts of blood each day and remove over 2 quarts of waste products and water which flow into the bladder as urine through tubes called ureters.
Your kidneys are essential for your own good health and inefficient or damaged kidneys can result in wastes accumulating in the blood and causing serious damage.
If your high blood pressure precedes the kidney damage, then high blood pressure is primary or essential. But, when your kidneys are damaged before you have high blood pressure then it is secondary.
If your kidneys' arteries are blocked or the tissues are damaged these conditions can lead to high blood pressure. The effects of high blood pressure on
your kidneys makes it unable to function normally and do not eliminate
sodium at a normal rate, that leads to salt and water retention and of course high blood pressure.
These every day drugs, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, and acetaminophen, can also cause impaired functions to your kidneys. Damaged kidney tissues accounts for about 50% of the cases reported.
And, usually the tissues are damaged from illnesses such as diabetes, certain medications, injury to the kidney. Or if you have a hereditary disease that results in cysts or sacs filled with fluid.
Your damaged kidney tissues can lead to chronic or acute high blood pressure.
Acute high blood pressure flares up in a few days, while chronic blood takes months or even years to develop. This condition is usually seen in children and adults who suddenly pass dark urine and whose faces are swollen. It can occur after a sore throat caused by a bacteria called streptococcus.
This acute condition can be easily treated by restricting you with salt restriction and drugs if necessary.
Chronic blood pressure can cause obstruction to the tube of your urine that comes from the kidney to the bladder.
Your doctor can do blood test to detect damage to the kidney by measuring the products that are normally excreted in the urine. Usually these blood tests do not register abnormality until the latter stages of kidney disease.
So if you have any symptoms
that include feelings of discomfort in your lower back, drowsiness,
nauseous and smokey or red-colored urine immediately consult with your
And, to reduce infection to your kidneys drink a gallon of water mixed with 8 oz. of unsweetened cranberry juice daily. Remember that secondary high blood pressure can be cured if you find the cause early.
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