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High blood pressure natural cures is possible if you maintain the proper balance of potassium to sodium in your diet. Did your physician ever mention this to you? Make no mistake, if you have high blood pressure and do nothing about it, you are taking a huge and unnecessary chance of not just a sudden death, but becoming seriously incapacitated by a stroke or having a heart attack.
So trying high blood pressure natural cures is in your best interest along with your physician guidance.
Finland did a study on the curing of high blood pressure, and noted a 80% decrease in stroke and published their findings.
In 1993 the Working Group of the National High Blood Pressure Education Program (NHBPEP) stated that if you made one of the most important change of replacing sodium chloride (NaCI) with a commercial mixture of 57% sodium chloride, 28% potassium chloride, 12% magnesium sulfate, and 2% lysine called Pansalt you will see a significant decrease in high blood pressure.
NHBPEP went on to further state that from 1972 to 1992, from the studies they did, the average diastolic blood pressure decreased by approximately 10 mm Hg. And, that during this period when the dietary K/Na (K is the chemical symbol for potassium and Na is the chemical symbol for sodium) ratio was increased the mortality from stroke, a by product of high blood pressure, decreased by 62% in men and by 63% in women.
Further, the rate of death from heart disease decreased by 55% in men and 68% in women and these decreases in death occurred in spite of these individuals being obese, drinks alcohol and also smoked.
Their salt was decreased and the K/Na ratio and magnesium was increased in their diet along with a change in their dietary fat.
is even more surprising about the NHBPEP report is that you can
experience stroke even before your blood pressure rises above the normal
range if your minerals levels are out of balance.
And, an elevated blood pressure is a symptom of an underlying cellular imbalance involving your potassium and sodium. So you know that every cell within your body is out of balance if you have high blood pressure.
Let me tell you why I am so confident that increasing your dietary ratio of potassium to sodium really works.
So I am very excited at the possibility of high blood pressure cures along with the probability of eliminating approximately 80% of strokes which will increase the quality of life for everyone.
Again, including high blood pressure natural cures in your diet is easy and you can start with just eating a banana everyday.
Although lowering your blood pressure with drugs does reduce strokes and stroke-related death, the evidence that drug treatment alone decreases heart attacks and death is very weak. That alone is a good enough reason to try high blood pressure natural cures which has no side effects.
But on the other hand it has been proven that even a small increase in dietary potassium, and thus the K/Na ratio, has been found to significantly decrease stroke-related deaths. And, as an extra bonus, the extra potassium has been shown to help lower your blood cholesterol levels.
Take note that the ratio between the amount of potassium and the amount of sodium you eat is more important than the absolute amounts. It is the balance that counts. As part of the high blood pressure natural cures you should eat four times as much potassium as sodium.
Make a grocery list and select foods that naturally have a high K factor and these foods are fresh vegetables, including potatoes, fresh fruits and not just bananas, skim or low-fat milk and yogurt, grains, including rice, chicken, fish, and lean meat.
I must mention that potatoes have a potassium to sodium ratio of
approximately 130 to 1. I know you are saying isn't potatoes fattening?
No it is not. It is the grease that they are fried in or the gravy,
sour cream or butter they are topped with that gives it a bad rap.
Other high K/Na ratio foods includes pasta which is excellent since it is low in sodium and fat but high in potassium, complex carbohydrates and fiber, just watch the sauce.
Next include legumes in your high blood pressure natural cures that have a high K factor and these include dried pinto, red, black navy, and kidney beans along with chick pea.
Fresh fruits are an excellent source of potassium and they include apples, banana, oranges, grapefruits, grapes, pears, peaches, apricots, pineapples, mangoes and plums.
When eating rice, chose brown rice, as well as barley, bulgur wheat, buckwheat, and bran.
And, in your cooking you can use potassium containing salt substitutes instead of table salt. Though it is best to increase your potassium intake through a more natural diet because the potassium is absorbed into your body more slowly.
Yes it is possible.
Achieving high blood pressure
natural cures is possible by just eating foods with more potassium and
less sodium. This will protect you against crippling strokes and
premature death, will improve your health and promise to increase your
life span even if your blood pressure does not return to normal levels.
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