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Heart Healthy Grocery Shopping List

We all lead busy lives so taking the time to plan a heart healthy grocery shopping list to make your meals ahead makes healthy eating easy, reducing impulse buying and snacking.

Below is a printable list I have prepared for you to print and take with you to the grocery store to be sure you get all the heart healthy foods you need and enjoy. It's free. Just fill in the form below and you'll receive your copy in a heartbeat.

Printable Heart Healthy Grocery Shopping List

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So putting together a shopping list can simplify heart-healthy cooking and eating foods to lower high blood pressure.

Whole Grains And High Fiber Starches

Whole grains. Heart healthy grocery shopping list. grains
  • Whole-wheat bread (at least 2 grams of fiber per serving)

  • Whole-wheat pita bread

  • Whole-wheat bagels/muffins

  • Whole-grain crackers (at least 2 grams of fiber per serving)

  • Brown rice

  • Quinoa

  • Whole-wheat couscous

  • Whole-grain breakfast cereals (at least 5 grams of fiber per serving)

  • Oatmeal

  • Bulgur

  • Sweet potatoes/yams

  • Winter squashes (acorn, butternut, and blue Hubbard)

  • Green peas

  • Corn

Fruits And Vegetables

Raw vegetables.
  • Fresh fruit and vegetables, especially darker colored ones such as spinach, romaine lettuce, berries, melons, peppers and broccoli

  • Prewashed salad mixes and baby spinach

  • Frozen vegetables such as spinach, carrots, broccoli and green beans

  • White-meat chicken and turkey

  • Skinless ground turkey and chicken

  • Precooked grilled chicken strips

  • Low-sodium, low-fat deli turkey/chicken/ham

  • Fish - especially oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, bluefish, swordfish, trout, sardines and herring

  • Occasionally Round and loin cuts of red meat

  • Pork tenderloin

  • Veggie or turkey burgers

  • Tofu, marinated or smoked

  • Soy crumbles - to replace ground beef

  • Low-fat, low-sodium cheese

  • Low-fat milk, skim milk, soy milk

  • Low-fat/fat-free yogurt and cottage cheese

  • Canned beans (rinsed to remove excess sodium)

  • Lentils

  • Hummus

  • Natural, unsalted peanut butter, almond butter, soy nut butter

  • Unsalted nuts

  • Egg substitute

  • Eggs - in moderation

Low-Sodium Seasonings And Condiments

  • Olive oil, canola oil, grapeseed oil

  • Vinegars

  • Lime juice, lemon juice

  • Tabasco sauce

  • Low-sodium salsa

  • Mrs. Dash (sodium-free) 10-Minute marinades

  • Homemade Vegetable stock or Low-sodium Herbox bouillon

  • Mustard

  • Pepper, lemon pepper

  • Garlic, ginger

  • Other spices and herbs

Desserts And Snacks Peaches
  • Dried fruit

  • Trail mix (Make your own with high-fiber cereals, nuts and dried-fruit)

  • Fat-free/low-fat flavored or frozen yogurt

  • Graham crackers

  • Vanilla wafers

  • Fat-free instant Jell-O and Jell-O Pudding

  • Soy chips

Maintaining A Healthy Weight

Maintaining a healthy weight is very important if you have high blood pressure.  If you lose a relatively small amount of excess fat you not only significantly lower your blood pressure, but you also lift the pressure off your own heart.

So instead of only dieting, include this heart healthy grocery shopping list into your daily life.  Make sure your daily activity include one hour of regular exercise, and you will be able to sustain this healthier eating habit on the long term.  You will benefit by you keeping the weight off permanently.

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