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If you are malnutrition, you are already at risk for high blood pressure and magnesium deficiency - it can be very dangerous to your overall health. Magnesium is the fourth most essential mineral required by your body, after calcium, sodium and potassium.
A study shows that over three hundred processes inside your body need magnesium in order to perform their functions. So including this mineral in its most natural form should be part of your goal in any high blood pressure treatments plan. So check out my mussel soup with spicy shrimp below.
Magnesium is a natural mineral used by your body for maintaining blood pressure, immune system, nervous conditions, blood sugar level, helping bones and muscles.
It is an important yet ignored mineral that your body needs to balance the most crucial tasks regarding your heart and arteries.
Studies prove that people who consume proper amount of magnesium in their daily diet have less chances of blood pressure elevation. It also has a prominent purpose of adjusting sodium and potassium levels which ultimately helps to control your blood pressure.
Magnesium also works as a natural calcium channel blocker because it maintains the levels of calcium in your blood vessels. Excessive calcium level in your blood creates muscle tightening which is a major reason of hypertension.
Once the correct level of calcium in your blood is maintained, it is proven that your blood vessels widens and blood pressure normalize.
Most important, magnesium acts as a vasodilator. That means it relaxes and dilates your arteries, allowing your blood to flow more freely, exerting less resistance on your blood vessels thus bringing down your blood pressure.
So if you have high blood pressure and magnesium consumption is part of your daily diet, then the magnesium will stabilizes your cellular membranes. It controls the access of calcium into your arterial cells.
Individuals having magnesium deficiency often experience blood pressure elevation when they do heavy exercises. The reason for this is that an improper amount of magnesium is not able to stimulate the formation of nitric acid, a chemical used by your body to relax heart muscles during exercises or work.
It is also important to note that an absence or lack of Vitamin D can cause insufficiency of magnesium, affecting its role in your body.
Magnesium is one of the most important minerals you can consume that prevents and reverses insulin resistance, which is an underlying cause of hypertension. Insulin resistance is caused in part by a defect at the cellular level in the regulation of magnesium and calcium.
This means that magnesium improves insulin sensitivity, while intracellular calcium impedes these processes. Supplemental magnesium can help to counter insulin resistance.
The best way to consume a sufficient amount of magnesium is through natural diet. Eat plenty of green vegetables like spinach and broccoli. Seafood like fish and fish oils are excellent sources of magnesium and Vitamin D.
Consuming sea kelp, seaweed belonging to the brown algae, is also considered as rich essential minerals. Taking soy beans in meals and drinking soy milk not only regulates high blood pressure but also fulfills magnesium deficiency.
Pumpkin seeds, watermelon seeds, beans, whole grain and nuts are all rich magnesium resources for high blood pressure individuals.
Here is a delicious and filling magnesium, iron, vitamin B12 and Omega-3 soup for you to enjoy.
Heat olive oil in a large stockpot over medium heat. Add garlic, shallot and chili cook until shallot has softened which should take you around 5 minutes. Stir in paprika, then tomatoes and claim juice. Then add potatoes and 4 cups water, cover bring to a boil then simmer over medium heat until potatoes are tender.
Add mussels and shrimps cover and cook until mussels opens and shrimps are pink.
Taste and season with salt and pepper. Total cook time should be around 23 minutes.
Serves 6. Garnish with lemon if you desire and serve. Adding a side dish of salad make this meal even better.
Optimal approach to treating high blood pressure and magnesium deficiency is to eat a balanced diet which contains all vitamins, and minerals especially calcium, potassium and magnesium.
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