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Knowing the facts about high blood pressure is very important for every one, teens, adult and even children, especially if you are concerned about their/your health and fitness. Hypertension or high blood pressure is a preventative and reversible disease.
Yet it is one of the biggest causes of heart attack and stroke. Reason behind this is you are unaware of your condition and so you cannot treat or prevent it.
Managing your high blood pressure is an early step in preventing the many complications of cardiovascular diseases. We'll discuss some of the facts about high blood pressure that will help you to better understand the nature of this disease.
Blood pressure is a force or pressure of your blood against the walls of your arteries when your heart is supplying blood to the organ throughout your body.
If this pressure remains higher than normal it causes several health problems. Normal blood pressure is 120/80 measured in mmHg (millimeters of mercury). Any level above this measurement is considered as pre-hypertensive or hypertension.
Read even more about what is high blood pressure.
But what I want you to consider; is there a high blood pressure cure?
Start by increasing your water consumption in your diet and take steps in maintaining a healthy weight.
Stay away from stress as much as
possible. If the problem is not within your control, do not stress
about it, it will take care of itself. Worrying is wasted effort and time.
Cut down on your intake of caffeine, alcohol, sodium and get help to quit smoking. Include as much as possible into your diet fresh fruits and raw vegetables.
If you are already on medication, regularly take your medicine, do not skip your dosage even if your blood pressure start going down. If you are now having normal blood pressure readings, talk with your doctor, only your doctor can lower your medication or tell you when you can stop taking them.
Despite the severity of this disease, it is treatable. All you need to do is develop a healthy lifestyle, manage your stress by exercising often and keep yourself informed with the facts about high blood pressure.
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