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Managing stress and high blood pressure are a must since they are linked to many health problems. Stress can have a horrible impact on cardiovascular health. We say stress kills, but in reality, it is not stress that kills, but it is how we handle it.
Stress is a confrontation between what you are and what you want or could be. Our Ego also plays its part. It is a wave that constantly rolls through life. We have to learn how to grab hold of that wave of stress and ride it, harnessing the power of that wave using it to soar to new heights.
Stress is an illness that needs treatment and attention like any other ailment. It's a disease that has to be monitored like diabetes, heart problems and high blood pressure. It also weakens the body's immune system making us more vulnerable to diseases.
So you see we are all familiar with stress and it is everywhere. Stress and anxiety are common problems that wreak extraordinary havoc on your body and is a primary example of your mind-body-spirit and emotional links.
The University of London said that stress is a more dangerous risk factors for heart disease and cancer than high cholesterol foods or smoking.
Lets look at stress and the role it plays in our lives. And, activate the intention that helps us to return to the pure, creative, blissful, natural state from which we were created - the feeling of well-being.
Anger, worry strikes, our hormones respond, the body goes into the fight-or-flight mode. The body's built in alarm system tells us to protect ourselves against predators and other potentially dangerous situations.
When your body perceives any threat at all, your hypothalamus initiates your body's alarm systems. After the alarm is triggered, your adrenal glands release a surge of hormones, including cortisol and adrenaline, allowing your body to respond to the threat.
All these responses to stress affect the waistline, increasing it in size. Reducing this belly fat hormonal release now becomes one of the major objectives.
Anything that changes your day-to-day environment or patterns can be viewed as stress. Your mind does a poor job of differentiating between a real physical danger and your day-to-day hassle.
Remember its our thoughts that actually creates stress or anxiety in the world. It cannot be packaged, touched, or seen. Its only you, me engaged in stressful thinking - allowing into our mind's external forces.
Your internal defenses tense up, either with joy, anticipation or anger. Senses become sharper, muscles tighten, the heart beats faster, blood pressure rises and breathing quickens. All of this is in preparation for you to either fight or run away.
The problem is most of us do not know how to manage stress.
These are just some of the things that cause high blood pressure.
I'd like you to become aware of how your body and mind reacts when you're under stress and include at least some of these things to relax your entire being:
This means taking a bit of time away from the children so that you and your spouse or significant other actually talk and give each other a chance to vent his or her frustrations. Or doing an activity that you truly love and brings you joy.
Thereby harnessing your stress and high blood pressure. You are hopping on that wave and riding it. I know this sound unrealistic, but it can be done.
Relieve your stress and improve your circulation by walking barefoot outside. Walk where you won't be interrupted and note the textures and surfaces there are. Breathe mindfully for about a minute, noticing the direct sensations. Feel the surge of energy as you connect to the earth's electromagnetic field beneath your feet.
It doesn't matter whether you are walking on sand, grass or plain dirt, there is healing powers within the earth that neutralize free radicals. Free radicals are associated with diseases, inflammation and accelerated aging.
Also you must recognize the
importance of relying on your love ones or friends. Set a time for yourself each day even as
little as ten minutes, talk or vent your frustration to someone and also really listen to that other person.
You say...where am I going to find the time just to talk? Aaaagh! We find the time to watch a ball game and spend lots of time watching television. Doing this mindless activity also do lower your stress and high blood pressure.
So assign yourself ten minutes to improve your relationships, vent your emotions that leads to hypertension, and do something that you enjoy. Think how much happier you and your home life will be.
You have tremendous capabilities in controlling the mind/body connection that leads to stress and high blood pressure.
Remember to also maintain a diet where you consume adequate amounts of potassium, magnesium and calcium daily.
Here is an experiment you can try, but you must measure and record your blood pressure numbers.
Think about something that happened in your life that really made you angry. Dwell on that negative experience for two or three minutes, then measure your blood pressure and make a note of the reading.
Now close your eyes for two to three minutes, concentrate on breathing in and out, slowly and deeply. Imagining your chest as an inflating and deflating balloon. After that two-to-three-minute breathing exercise, take your blood pressure again. You will be amazed at the improvement.
It might sound strange but thinking happy thoughts when a situation would normally generate anger can medicate your mind. Pleasant thoughts cause the release of relaxing neurotransmitter in the brain.
This is not wishful thinking, but rather a scientific fact that has been documented by high tech instruments taking photos of the brain and showing the very positive effects of such mental manipulations.
It lowers your stress and high blood pressure. Learning to cope with stress takes some effort, but with practice you will be able to better manage your stress.
Are you an animal lover? Having a pet is known to lower stress and high blood pressure.
Do certain issues have you losing your beauty rest at night? Find someone to confide in who you trust like your clergyman. Have a chat with your physician about therapy or to a qualified therapist.
You have to find a way to take the pressure off your heart. When stress and high blood pressure strike, remember these words - Is it worth dying for - hell no!
Getting relief from stress is now within your control. So what is the cure? Awareness, belief and change!
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