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I drink other beverages as part of my plan in staying hydrated and also in maintaining control of my blood pressure measurements. Most people don't get the right amount of water they need for good health.
For me the power of keeping my body hydrated is proven to me every day. My first drink of the day is a glass of water, and within 30 minutes I’m in the bathroom having an easy effortless bowel movement. If you suffer from constipation, start thinking of doing this one act daily.
Lack of fluids sometimes express itself in other ways like your blood pressure increasing due to dehydration and loss of energy is another way. Make it your mission to start drinking more water or other beverages, like those suggested below, that hydrates and nourishes you at the same time.
So I urge to start with drinking water or some form of liquid when:
Having headaches, I know for sure is definitely a signal of thirst.
Over the summer holidays I picked my grandkids up from camp and both were complaining of headaches. Immediately that sounded unusual that both of them were having headaches at the same time. I encourage them to drink water and the headaches went away in no time.
Hydration is much more effective if you drink water and other beverages over the course of the day rather than just standing by the sink and guzzling your allotted amount of water.
As we age, the thirst signal within the body fades. Though this is not the case for everyone, some individuals’ body, though in need of water, somehow that signal is not conveyed as clearly as it once did.
But normally when you think about staying hydrated, your mind instantly jumps to water. Drinking adequate amounts of water is the best way to stay hydrated, but what about those times you want to drink something other than water?
If you don’t love water, then think of these other beverages that are just as effective in hydration. The important thing to remember is where the water or other beverages comes from, and what’s been added to it.
With high blood pressure it is beneficial to stay away from chemicals and artificial sweeteners.
Here are some opportunities to improve your overall health easily.
Here are my favorite drinks to consume when I've reached my limit with water for the day:
I’d love to hear from you, so please share with us below, what other beverages you enjoy and drink to stay hydrated?
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