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High blood pressure medicines provide assistance to those who are struggling to maintain low blood pressure. When your blood pressure is too high, such as 139/89 or higher, the risk of a heart attack, stroke or other complication is great.
Specifically, the strain on the heart at those rates is too high, and that can lead to a sudden heart attack or the development of heart disease, diabetes, heart failure or other conditions. High blood pressure medications are used to help treat the condition.
Even if you would prefer to use all natural treatments for high blood pressure, if your doctor believes you need to use medications that are prescribed, use them.
Often times, doctors will allow you to use natural treatments as well, and when your blood pressure remains stable at lower levels, you can come off your blood pressure medications for alternative sources. However, right now, you likely need medications.
Dr. Gregg Fonarow, a professor of cardiology at the University of California, Los Angeles, and a spokesman for the American Heart Association states that the medical association should be investing in treatment strategies that would yield both health and economic benefits.
What medications do doctors use to help treat high blood pressure? There are numerous options including those that flush the extra sodium from your body relieving you from the excessive accumulation of water.
Others help to reduce the strain that blood pressure put on your heart, allowing your heart to beat slower. This allows blood to pass through the blood vessels with less force.
While another creates an enzyme that stops your blood vessels from narrowing. And last but not the least, another medication that specifically relaxes your blood vessels.
In addition to these medications for high blood pressure, there are other medications that may be used to help you, and some medications can work against these.
For example, aspirin and high blood pressure are often a good match, since an aspirin regimen can often thin the blood to reduce pressure.
However, allergy medications like Claritin D and Benadryl should not be taken with high blood pressure, since these cause a rise in your blood pressure.
Although you should continue to take your blood pressure medicines as your doctor directs, it is often possible to use alternative treatments to help improve your condition, too.
For example, the use of supplements can naturally bring down high blood pressure. Lifestyle changes such as reducing stress and eating a healthier diet can also reduce high blood pressure.
The combination of these treatments works the best at improving your health.
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