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To help reduce high blood pressure, if you have moderate to high levels of blood pressure, doctors recommend a complete program of help. Those who have these levels of blood pressure are at the most risk for developing complications.
What is high blood pressure at this level? Specifically, if your systolic blood pressure is at 160 or above and/or your diastolic blood pressure is at 100 or above, this form of treatment is necessary.
The first course of action will likely be medication. If you have severe high blood pressure, of 180/110 or higher, doctors may not want you to do any heavy exercise immediately.
In some situations, you may have to spend time
in a hospital to lower your blood pressure. Medications will be in use
to do this. These medications may work to reduce the amount of chemicals
your body produces to constrict the arteries.
It may also be necessary to use diuretics to remove excessive water and sodium from the body. The medications have a design to make it easier for your heart to pump blood by decreasing the amount of pressure in the arteries themselves.
The second step is generally to make significant lifestyle changes. In the moderate to severe level of high blood pressure, these changes need to be drastic and immediate if you hope to avoid complications.
In some cases, it may be helpful to take supplements that contain nutrients known to reduce high blood pressure.
Speak with your doctor about the amount you should take. This may include CoQ10, garlic, folic acid and fish oils.
You will need to do all of these things to help reduce high blood pressure. Stay on top of it by using a blood pressure monitor to monitor your progress.
And, do follow up with your doctor regularly.
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