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Foods With Hidden Sugar
Marketed As Seemingly Healthy Options Podcast

It's good to be aware of the foods with hidden sugar so that you can make a more balanced decision on what you eat and are a main part of your diet. Most of us are pretty good about reading labels and looking for added sugar, but you may not realize that sugar can come in other stealthier forms. So, while you may not anticipate seeing added sugar in your breads or sauces, it's likely there. 


Sugar is everywhere in our diets, from processed foods to seemingly healthy options like fruit juices and yogurt. It is an essential energy source for our bodies, but consuming too much can lead to weight gain and increased risk to the health issues of what causes high blood pressure. Luckily, there are many ways to add sweetness to your tastebuds without relying on refined sugar. 

The podcast conversation included below, 'Foods With Hidden Sugar', isn’t about you never having sugar, please relax. Because I too have a little sweet tooth, and sometimes I just crave something sweet. Having a sweet tooth makes you feel happy giving your body a sense of euphoria. And as such, with any additive like tendency the more you get the more you want. 

The good news is you have the power to rehabilitate your tastebuds.

A Love Of Sugar!


A love of sugar is not your fault, nature gave us a sweet tooth for a reason. From when we were babies, we were drawn to our mother’s milk that had a delicious taste and smell. Just like the caveman they also had a sweet tooth. The only difference between them and us is that they were much more active and sweets or sugary foods were not in abundance and came naturally not processed.

Sydney Torres, Torres
My host for my podcast 'Foods With Hidden Sugar' was with Sydney Torres, a Certified Health Coach who helps her many followers to transform their health so they can live everyday feeling full of vitality, and feel comfortable within their bodies.

So, let's get started on our conversation, foods with hidden sugar, where Sydney and I explored healthier alternatives to sugar to help satisfy your sweet tooth without compromising your well-being. You can listen to the podcast in detail at the links provided below.

Podcast On Foods With Hidden Sugar!

Cutting back on sugar doesn't mean sacrificing the sweetness in your life. By exploring healthier alternatives and making mindful choices, you can still enjoy the sweet flavors you love without compromising your health.

Sugar addiction is widespread and the least recognized as a cause, so it is the least managed. It aggravates and cause many chronic diseases like hypertension, heart disease, type II diabetes, cancer, obesity, plus behavioral and emotional problems like ADD, ADHD, depression, anxiety, mood swings and more.

A sugar-laden diet may raise your risk of dying of heart disease even if you aren't overweight.  When you stop cold turkey, you experience withdrawal symptoms from the chemical dependency that we built up in the brain during the time of sugar high.

We all have heard repeatedly that too much sugar is bad for you. But as we learn more about how our bodies works, we know that this is partly due to blood sugar increases. Too much sugar at one time creates a spike, which then throws off the body's other systems. It also leads to tooth decay, weight gain, and chronic health conditions.

My approach to life, including the foods with hidden sugar I consume, is with a balanced approach -- so this isn't a bid for you to never have a drop of sugar again. You can breathe! LOL!

It's good to be aware, though, so that you can make more balanced decisions. Most of us are pretty good about reading labels and looking for added sugar, but you may not realize that sugar can come in some other stealthier forms. So, while you may not anticipate seeing added sugar in your breads or sauces, it's likely still there. 

hidden sugars.

The next time you're browsing items for a recipe and checking the labels for the ingredients, there are a few other things to keep an eye out for.

First, in addition to all of the manufactured sugars ending in -ose (like fructose and sucralose), you'll want to watch for natural sugars, as well. These can be things like agave, cane, honey, and monk fruit. It can also be sugar derived from fruits like dates and coconut. There are some occasions where fruit juice is even used as a sweetener. Some of these may seem innocent enough, but they are still processed the same in our bodies.

Some of the top offenders for food with hidden sugar, or added sugar, are dressings and sauces. These can be things like:

  • Salad dressing, with up to nine grams of sugar per two-tablespoon serving.

  • BBQ sauce can have up to six or seven grams of sugar per one tablespoon.

  • And you wouldn't believe how much can be in pasta sauce -- that marinara you love can have up to twenty-two grams of sugar per serving.

Other undercover offenders tend to be popular breakfast foods. Even the healthier cereal varieties can have up to eighteen grams of sugar per serving.

  • The same goes for yogurt and oatmeal.
  • Even peanut butter can have up to four grams of added sugar per two-tablespoon serving.
  • A sure way to avoid added sugar is to buy whole foods, and also naturally decreasing the amount of pre-packaged or processed foods.

One can easily whip up a more natural salad dressing or pasta sauce with a bit of research. These often not only are much healthier but taste much better. Spending some more time in the kitchen is a great way to combat the amount of excess sugar we tend to consume, sometimes without even knowing.

Let me now share with you 5 Shortcuts for a Healthier You.

Because despite our best intentions, healthy eating can often feel like more of a chore than a pleasure. With long working hours and busy family lives, it can be hard to find the time to prepare nutrient-rich meals from scratch. However, you can take a few simple shortcuts to get to that healthy lifestyle without taking up more time that you don't have and with less added sugar.

Here's how to sneak in more healthy living via simple shortcuts to get you on track faster. 

Nourishing foods.
  1. Cook simple foods in a batch!
    This a religious practice of mine. I cook in batches, but at each session of cooking in batches I prepare more than one protein - meat/chicken/fish with at least two base food items or grains, sauteed vegetables and raw vegetables.

    The problem with meal prep recipes is that while you and your family may love that meal the first night, it wears out its welcome on your table the rest of the week. Instead of making a giant portion that will wind up going to waste, cook foods in a simple way. Whatever you prepare, keep it simple so you can repurpose it in different ways throughout the week.

    Do this with veggies and grains, and you'll save on preparing dinner during the week while still eating healthy.

    Before we go further, I’d like to offer you a list of nutrient dense foods that are packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, all of which help your body perform at its best and their benefits. Link to access the link here and download your copy.

  2. Keep your pantry and freezer ready!
    You can make anything when you have a stash of reliable ingredients handy. Leafy greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, Canned beans, lentils, frozen chicken, fish, shrimp, brown rice, canned tuna, squash, sweet potatoes and all sorts of kitchen staples should always be stocked. Don't forget your seasonings -- herbs add tons of flavor and nutrition to keep everything from being bland.

  3. Throw in more vegetables!
    Soups and salads are a great way to boost veggie intake. When you make either one, throw in more vegetables than called for to boost nutrition. If you're using your oven to roast chicken, throw in a tray of broccoli, brussels sprouts, or cauliflower to go along with it. Any chance you have to put more vegetables on the table, do it.

  4. Take your own food!
    When you're on the go, it helps to bring your own healthy foods with you and its cost effective. Sometimes, it may be the only way to get a solid meal, like while on a plane. But in other cases, like road trips, it can save you from eating fried drive-thru fare. Make your own sandwiches, pack some nuts, and bring fruit. If you're away for a few days, stop by a local store to load your hotel fridge with a veggie tray with hummus for healthy snacks.

  5. Know that it's OK to buy ready-made foods!
    Sometimes, you need to do what's best for your sanity. If you are exhausted from your day, the best thing you can do is pick up a ready-made meal. Grab a rotisserie chicken from the deli. Get some hummus and cut-up veggies. Even ready-made wraps filled with veggies, fresh broth-based soups, and other meals are a huge helper on busy days, and they are far healthier than the alternative.

    Within my freezer I always have on hand frozen a ready-made meal, like vegetable pad Thai, whole grain pasta and sauce, salmon, veggie burgers and more that I pick up from Trader Joe’s.

By following these simple little shortcuts, you can stick to healthy living even when time is tight.

My Mantra - No Foods Is Off Limits!

To help keep your sanity and frustration down remember NO FOOD IS OFF LIMITS.

no foods off limits.

One of the main principles is that there are no foods “off-limits” if you enjoy them. For example, labeling foods as bad creates a fear-based mindset around food, which can trigger disordered eating. Restrictions lead to more intense cravings, which can cause you to feel like you have lousy willpower when it actually goes deeper into our mindset.

Food is so multi-faceted. It provides nutrition but also brings people together to foster community. It can also be emotional when choosing dishes that bring back family memories or remind you of the past. It should never feel wrong to engage in the practice of sharing a meal.

Instead of looking at food with rules and rigidity, try to view foods as neutral and check-in with yourself while eating to discern when you may be full. Focus on eating foods that make you feel good, and make room for the foods you love, too, even if there’s a little sugar involved! 

Listen to my guest appearance with Sydney Torres podcast conversation on 'foods with hidden sugar' at these links:

Apple Link

Spotify Link.

Remember to rate and provide feedback. Thank you in advance.

An Invitation To You!

Cutting back on sugar does not mean sacrificing this delight from your life.

So, I’m inviting you to consider this invitation as a chance to prioritize your wellbeing by clicking here to schedule a complimentary 30-minute Zoom meeting with me.

Together we’ll explore healthier alternatives, make mindful choices that you will enjoy that’s full of sweet flavors you love without compromising your health. Then create your unique plan that meets your needs. I eagerly look forward to getting to know you and being able to support you on your health journey. Thanks for accepting this invitation.

Or are you interested in seeking personalized health coaching or about working with me? Your wellbeing is my top priority, and I am dedicated to ensuring that you do not miss out on the opportunity to transform your health. Let us connect without delay and explore how I can empower you to achieve lasting results.

I limit my availability to 10 active clients at a time so that I can maintain a high level of care and attention for each client. It is so important to me that you have the opportunity to benefit from my personalized coaching and guidance.

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