Health is wealth, eat well to live well.
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Eating healthy foods relieves you from feeling guilty or worrying about you aren't eating well. The nutrients in food support growth, maintenance, and repairs the body. With deficiencies, excess and imbalances of nutrients, the body brings on disease. Nutrition profoundly affects your overall health.
When you can compare the foods and their nutrition that’s suggested from someone like me, an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, who is in this case not living or from your region, or country you start to question, “why, what, and how”.
Let me address the questions of nutrition on why, what and how here:
In addition to nutrients, food conveys emotional satisfaction and hormonal stimuli contribute to our health. Then foods also contain phytochemicals that gives them their tastes, aroma, colors and other characteristic and all these plays a role in reducing disease risks.
That’s why eating everything from everywhere can weakens your digestive system, contributes to yeast overgrowth, weakened immunity, and poor calcium absorption.
I have also learned when best to eat certain foods within their season of growth. And also when some foods nutrition are best preserved if eaten raw, steamed, baked or roasted.
Let me explain myself better because some of you live in different parts of the country and world. I was introduced to Traditional Chinese Medicine by my acupuncturist and have since learned that salads, vegetables, and fruits are naturally cooling to the body.
So what season are you presently in, is always taken into consideration by me. That’s why I have created menus for every season so that I can meet my client’s needs wherever they might be living.
Hence one of the reasons for my LIVE coaching call.
Eating healthy foods for your high blood pressure, or for ANY condition, you’ve got to take climate and season, as well as the traditional foods eaten in your part of the world into consideration.
When you eat foods that grow in your environment, you more easily acclimate and become balanced. This is due to your pineal gland and entire endocrine system. Your pineal gland is your body’s compass. It knows exactly where it is and can more easily acclimate and become balanced from the foods in your environment.
My recipes are only guidelines. Adjust the ingredients in my recipes to make it a good choice for you and your family. Do this by using your local and seasonal produce that grows in your part of the world, as often as possible.
Once you connect with your physical environment you know what is available to you, so creating nourishing recipes becomes easy.
To get started on your recipe’s guidelines, answer the following questions:
During the hot summer months, salads cooling effect can be quite beneficial for most folks; but during the cooler fall and icy winter season, this can create a cold and damp, or even a frozen condition, contributing to gas, bloating, cold hands and feet.
All that eventually leads to more serious ailments like impaired immunity, and blood stagnation.
Eating healthy foods that are locally grown, and seasonal aligns your internal environment to your body and it’s organ systems, with the environment of where you live. This creates a system that is physically stronger and prepared for the elements.
For example, on a steamy hot summer day, crisp salad greens, juicy watery fruits, and freshly caught fish, plus other cooling foods that are abundantly available at that time of year would be the ideal.
On the other hand, if there is a thick blanket of icy snow covering the ground, and people are trudging through the streets bundled up in snorkel jackets, a hearty stew made with bone stock, grass-fed meat, beans, and root vegetables would be more appropriate.
You see what I mean?
For me my present environment is going into fall and then the winter seasons. My pineal gland communicates to my endocrine system that it is time to slow down and store fat. This is why the body naturally puts on weight during the winter months.
You can find out what’s growing in your area by visiting a local farmer’s market, or for you to join a CSA (community supported agriculture). This way you’ll always know what’s in season.
Parts of your body is literally being replaced every day. Other parts take a few months, other parts a couple of years. But within a few years you have a brand-new physical body. Let’s make sure your body parts are being replaced with top-notch materials.
Eating healthy of the many nourishing foods that’s in your part of the world today is of great importance. That is why as soon as you join my five days rejuvenation and healing program of using food as your medicine, as part of our LIVE call we review the suggested meals provided and discuss substitutions to match where in the world you live.
When you learn how to use food as your medicine, you start feeling better in no time! Listen to your body to let it guide you. You’ll know for sure when your healing is complete your body will reject the very same food that nourished you.
That is not a bad thing that day is something to look forward to.
Be part of my 5 days rejuvenation and healing program by eating healthy foods as medicine according to where you live.
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