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One of my nieces, Bobbet, has type 2 diabetes, is obese according to the BMI guideline but to me is just a little overweight and normal within my Black community. Diagnosed for over four years and still having difficulty in reversing this disease even though her diet and lifestyle has radically changed.
There’s now a new kind of diabetes treatment centers that not only look at your blood sugar levels but at the disease’s impact on your heart, blood vessels, kidneys and other parts of your body, all this comprehensive care is under one roof.
You'll now receive a wider range of medical treatments, say you go for kidney screening, you might also on the same day see your endocrinologist, your foot doctor to see what else might be needed.
All this convenience is at one location and is happening now at major medical centers around the US, and seems to be working.
The good news is that type 2 diabetes is completely preventable.
Diabetes is also called diabesity because it is so closely linked with obesity. It is a systemic disease that affects your body’s multiple organ systems. High blood pressure follows almost the same pattern because it also attacks multiple organs.
There’s a toxic creation of sticky blood sugar, fatty acids and inflammatory compounds that doubles your odds of a heart attack or stroke, and increases they say, triple the odds of your risk for a fatal heart disease.
It’s a major epidemic in the United States right now.
I wondered why so many people recently were being diagnosed as diabetic, especially people of color?
Reports states that excess weight is the number one reason adults and kids are at such a high risk for this disease, and; there are additional dangers to you when taking high blood pressure medications.
I know genes do play a role, but I also wondered what other specific treatment apart from medication that may help in its reversal.
If you’re not part of the ‘diabetes epidemic’ kudos to you. But if you are in that category, you now have the opportunity to make the necessary changes to reduce your risk.
Stress hormones stores that extra fat thats around your internal organs in your midsection.
This dangerous abdominal fat hormones, sends out chemical signals throughout your body, desensitizing the cells increasing your body’s insulin resistance. These are the hormones that persuades the cells within your body to absorb blood sugar.
Insulin resistance is your first step on the path to type 2 diabetes.
The good news is you can lower your risk of developing this disease. Let me show you how:
Having to stick your fingers daily or wear a monitor so you can easily check your blood sugar levels might be a bit taxing in your daily activities.
Here's how you know when you have beaten your diabetic odds:
If both women and men measurements are more than what’s listed above, you are more likely to have fat deep within your abdomen. This fat alone can triple your risk factor.
Though some slim individuals with measurements that more than meet the required guidelines, might think they are okay. I am here to say don’t think for a moment because your weight and waist circumference are within the guidelines that's enough.
This is where exercising becomes your safety mechanisms.
I remember my doctor telling me after every 6 months blood test that I was borderline diabetic. I was surprised by that statement because I exercised regularly, ate raw greens, or sauté vegetables every day.
Three times a week I have a smoothie that replaces one meal. That smoothie always has in either one or two of these vegetables - spinach, parsley, celery, so I considered myself eating healthy.
So I decided to reread my blood pressure prescription pharmacy notes and you know whats listed as a side effect…. diabetes. Imagine my medication was creating this disease potential.
And I am only taking this medication at its lowest dosage as a protection. My cardiologist insisted I do this because of my age.
After doing what is part of my online nutrition program, my doctor no longer issues those warnings to me.
I was lucky in that I lost more than 7 percent of my body weight and had also reduced my risk factor more than the stated 58% in developing type 2 diabetes.
You too can easily drop excess waistline weight with my online treatment plan.
Included in this program are low-glycemic foods that have only a minimal or moderate effect on your blood sugar. When you include more of these foods into your daily diet you are less likely to develop insulin resistance.
Also, low-glycemic foods and snacks are rich in fiber, protein or fat. Your body need some fat, and these are good fats, the unsaturated kind.
You can enjoy:-
So you see you’ll not be depriving yourself in any way.
Weight loss worked better than drug therapy at cutting down your odds of becoming diabetic. Plus, your diet changes may have your doctor suggesting a different medication that doesn’t have the potential of exposing you to the odds of diabetes or being completely taken off your medication.
The possibilities are endless to what you’ll be able to accomplish with this program. Join the program today and be part of my support group.
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