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If you like celery and high blood pressure is something you have then, adding this vegetable to your diet for hypertension is a must. You are eating a possible natural cure. Celery has several benefits going for it. For one, it is high in potassium. Second, it has phthalide, which is a compound that gives celery its taste and smell. The combination of both may be helpful at improving overall blood pressure.
I practically have home grown celery in my refrigeration all year. After the Winter I plant celery in my garden May every year to make sure I can enjoy this health benefit.
Researchers biggest questions has to do with phthalide. It is one of the ingredients in celery, and it could be one of the best unknown tools for lowering high blood pressure.
This compound works by helping to relax the muscles of your blood vessels significantly. In doing so, it allows the muscles to dilate more, or open up. This allows for blood to flow easily through the body's blood vessels.
Some claim that folks who increase the amount of celery they eat will have lower blood pressure. I have found this to be true because I measured my blood pressure before eating it and two hours after my meal. Chopped celery is in all my salads and I even put it in soups. It is said to be part of ancient Chinese remedies for treating high blood pressure.
For example, those that had a significant amount of celery each day would find that their blood pressure was reduced to normal levels. However, the amount that needs to be consumed can top a ¼ of a pound or more.
Another of the benefits of celery and phthalide is that they help to reduce the production of stress hormones.
Stress hormones are known as catecholamines. When these enter your body, they restrict blood flow through the blood vessels. The phthalide found in celery reduces this restriction and therefore allows blood to flow more easily through your body.
High blood pressure also leads to the development of hardening of the arteries, which further restricts blood flow. Stress and this hardening can be life threatening to you.
One thing that should be part of your high blood pressure diet is potassium. Getting it from a natural source is critical to maintaining overall health.
It helps to control blood pressure because it stops the effects of sodium in the body. When an individual has high blood pressure, excess fluid buildup may occur, which can be worsened by sodium. However, when you consume 4700 milligrams of sodium per day, you reduce the effects.
Of course, celery contains a high level of potassium, so celery and high blood pressure can go together, as it works to help reduce your risks.
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