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Cardiovascular disease is so prevalent the odds are you will die from some form of it, be it heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke, or other diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Don't let yourself or a loved one get on this risk factor list, especially when you can prevent it, and if your risk is already high you can change it.
What I found shocking was that in the United States one person dies every thirty-six seconds from cardiovascular disease. Imagine that magnitude of public health concern for a moment.
According to the American Heart Association's statistics, a woman's odds of dying from heart disease is 1 in 2.6. I don't understand how there is a .6 when a person to me is one but that's statistic for you.
And 50,000 more women die from cardiovascular disease than men. We, women have to take better care of ourselves since we're the backbone, the glue that keeps everything together, of a family.
High blood pressure and high cholesterol are among the leading causes of this condition. With a few simple lifestyle alterations, you can change the odds of being impacted by these risk factors.
With these combinations your health's risk factor just increased to another level. Embracing simple non-drug steps that treat both of these conditions in two months should be the first thing you do.
Lets discuss the plans that can protect you from cardiovascular diseases.
Your cardiovascular system is essential a network consisting of a pump - which is your heart, and a complex set of pipes - which are your blood vessels, that has your blood circulating throughout this system.
Keeping the circulation, your blood flowing freely through these multiple set of pipes is how you keep your blood pressure within normal range to escape the consequences and complications of high blood pressure.
The cardiovascular system carries:
The good news is lifestyle modifications provides a powerful measure of protection again diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
Fortunately, you can use food as your medicine, making cardiovascular disease risk factors preventable.
With the treatment of high blood pressure, eating bitter flavored foods and herbs can help in the improvement of heart function, cool the body, and drain excessive heat.
Better still if you're now suffering from heart disease, start eating something bitter rather than sweet, it will be beneficial to your health.
You can prevent heart disease by using anti-inflammatory foods and herbs as medicine by eating:
There's an all-inclusive cardiovascular disease lifestyle modification plan that provide you with beneficial and powerful protections against diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
There are proven cholesterol lowering food ingredients that reduce LDL cholesterol - your bad cholesterol, and combining these foods with an exercise routine is as effective as several types of cholesterol lowering drugs.
All the ingredients are found at your local supermarket and are of no danger to your health or are more expensive than almonds, steel-cut oats, oat groats or oat bran, and walking, to name a few.
Almond contains a high amount of monounsaturated fat, a type known as oleic acid, an omega-9 fatty acid that fights both heart disease and LDL cholesterol.
Both oats are nutritious with groaning needing to be cooked for a very long time, and oat bran is mostly added to muffins, pancake batter and breads.
Join me if you're ready to prevent heart disease and improve your cardiovascular system. This plan is for you!
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