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There are many ways to lower blood pressure, and it depends on your physical fitness, your lifestyle pattern, especially if you are aiming for a reduction in your measurements. Know that there are steps you can take to lower your risk in developing high blood pressure and also to treat it without using drugs.
Though the signs and symptoms of high blood pressure are not very noticeable, you must reduce your blood pressure levels as it can cause other health issues.
So I am listing a few of the many ways for reducing your blood pressure.
Keeping your weight under control is a healthy way to start. Overall weight loss, by as little as 10%, can greatly aid in blood pressure reduction.
Its been proven that the strain on the heart of an overweight person is more when it pumps blood as compared to that of a normal weight person.
So whether you are on medication or not, weight loss can considerably help in maintaining blood pressure levels.
Exercising not only helps in weight reduction, but also keeps you strong, flexible and healthy. Regular exercising for a duration of about 45 to 60 minutes is required to maintain proper blood pressure levels.
Brisk walking or climbing of stairs can also bring on the same effect as that produced by strenuous exercises at a gym.
Remember to include deep breathing exercises and cardiovascular exercises in case you plan to hit the gym for your workout.
Excessive consumption of sodium is not good for you. Its been proven that reduction of sodium intake can drastically affect your blood pressure levels.
Remember the damage to your organs are all happening silently.
Also concentrate on improving your potassium and other minerals intake as it can help lower your blood pressure readings.
Your diet plays an important role in the process of lowering your blood pressure. Fruits, vegetables, fat free dairy products, can help in weight loss and consecutively in lowering your blood pressure readings.
Adhere to a balanced and healthy diet and avoid as much as possible foods rich in fat and cholesterol. Such foods tend to increase your pressure readings.
You can also choose to use extra-virgin olive oil - an oil that offers significant cardiovascular protection - instead of other cooking oils that are high in cholesterol. So include on a daily basis your consumption of foods that lower blood pressure.
Your diet is one of the best ways to lower blood pressure initially.
Alcohol is one of the factors that can increase your blood pressure. It is advisable to understand your alcohol consumption and reduce it on a gradual basis.
Reduction in your alcohol consumption is another way to lower your blood pressure readings.
Relaxation response must be learned and practiced at least once a day. It may take several practices before you begin to feel the effects, but once you have mastered the art of the relaxation response you will be able to use it at your desk or anytime you feel stressful.
Some of the various kinds of relaxation techniques that have a beneficial effect on high blood pressure are yoga, tai chi, pilates and deep breathing exercises.
A word of caution - the beneficial effects alone from these exercises are sometimes not enough for someone who have malignant high blood pressure. While for some people it may be enough to reduce the need for drugs.
Make sure and take all the medications prescribed by your doctor. Follow-up with regular visits for routine check-up and to monitor your blood pressure levels.
Most of all, it is important to practice relaxation and stress reduction. Stress and tension can drastically increase your blood pressure readings. So exercise, meditate, relax and follow the above mentioned ways to lower blood pressure levels effectively.
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