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Looking for a good night's sleep just apply a drop of peace and calming essential oil to your temples, wrist and the bottoms of your feet. I can attest to that statement. After applying I am knocked out for the night. It is a wonderful prelude to a peaceful night's rest. When diffused helps to calm tensions and uplift your spirit, promoting relaxation and a deep sense of peace.
This fragrant blend of pure tangerine, ylang ylang, blue tansy, orange and patchouli essential oil is also comforting to young children after an overactive day. If your child is fussing and you can't seemed to find what is wrong just massage in a drop on the bottoms of their feet.
Inhalation is the main principle of aromatherapy. Inhaling a specific scent can change your whole physiological state, especially highly concentrated plant extracts which are essential oils.
The heavenly smell affects your brain, it impacts your limbic system that helps to regulate your emotions.
In the case of high blood pressure the application of just a drop of these oils to specific areas of your body or the inhaling of its scent helps to relax you, promoting sleep and making you less anxious. Some oils even act as a diurectic flushing out excess fluids.
All of that helps to lower your blood pressure promoting good health.
When chemistry and frequency coincide, noticeable physical, spiritual and emotional benefits can be reached.
To apply topically apply directly to the edge of your ears, wrists, bottoms of feet or Vita Flex points.
Or you can diffuse or directly inhale. It is just as potent.
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