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Your libido and HBP medications is usually not a good combination. There are many reasons why your sexuality may come and go, but this article is on how you can find it when you miss it. Its been discovered that a lowered or disappeared libido occurs as an adverse side effect when you take Spironolactone (Aldactone), Thiazide diuretics and Methldopa (Aldomet), diuretics from the family of high blood pressure medications.
There are other side effects associated with these diuretics but I am only concentrating today on the ones that I know thats associated with impotence, your libido or your sexuality as a whole.
Being aware of your libido and HBP medications side effect, or the consumption of anything that is taken orally or applied topically to your body is very important. In some instances you may be able to stop using them, eat foods that gives a natural viagra affect, or your doctor can change your medication to a different class of drugs.
Your Doctors knows what type of blood pressure meds that can actually boost your libido, all you have to do is bring it to their attention.
Everyone goes through periods when you seems to have lost your mojo and another time you go through periods of feeling frisky. So lets highlight what may be killing your sex drive apart from stress and your high blood pressure medications.
Some antidepressants are known to kill libido, so discuss with your doctor what other antidepressant drug can treat your illness and also increase your sex drive.
Even your birth control pills can affect your sexuality. If you notice a change in your sexual desire discuss with your doctor. There is an alternative out there.
Happy couples have sex at least once a week so if your sex drive is dwindling, check it out, there may be an underlying medical condition. Your sex hormones may need a little help and with the right treatment you could be back on track.
Sex is one of the most relaxing and enjoyable activities that sometimes is affected by tension and life difficulties. Most of these sexual blockage can be eliminated. Here are some tips to amp up your sex life and this goes for both women and men:
The relaxing effects of yoga's deep breathing and calming of the autonomic nervous system help your blood flow to your pelvic organs. Here are three lust-stimulating poses for you to practice.
These foods are known high blood pressure prevention foods as well as having giving a natural viagra effect.
The effects of a dwindling libido and HBP medications consumption is a proven fact, so you have to explore new ways to rev-up your sex drive. Creating a more open and honest expression of your thoughts and expectations are possible with some of these suggestions:
The fact is any chronic condition you may have can wreck havoc on your libido and HBP medications plays its part there. So you barely have any energy left for anything else but surviving. But if you have lost your sexuality have a talk with your doctor today, include aphrodisiac inducing foods, and with the right treatment you could get your mojo back.
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