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Environmental change is a natural phenomenon, but are you aware of its effect on your blood vessel? Of course, the environment is sometimes altered by human beings’ behavior. But do you know your environment - the soil your food is grown in, the air you breathe, your drinking water and the ocean, and how it contributes and affect your blood pressure and overall health?
Natural phenomena affect your health is so many ways. For instance, the moon and barometric pressure falling affects all the fluids on the earth and that includes all your body fluids.
Environmental change of wind temperatures and directions affects your circulatory system and kidney ailments. While thunderstorms create massive amounts of electricity in the air affecting the ions in the air that relates to your mental abilities.
So, you see your environment has a huge impact on your health and happiness.
An extensive study of individuals with high blood pressure living in England showed that their blood pressure was significantly lower when measured in the summer than when measured in the winter months.
The findings state that during the summer months there was a decreased resistance to blood flow resulting from the dilation of your blood vessels.
Also, if you live in dust choked environment where the summer temperate reaches 120 Fahrenheit and air conditioning is rare, there are usually serious health consequences. The dry dust collects within your lungs and wreak havoc on your health.
So the question is does environmental changes and high blood pressure relate and the answer is yes.
Very hot summers and very cold winters have shown a direct impact on people suffering from high blood pressure. And, if you live in the cold regions you are more prone to elevated blood pressure as compared to living in moderate climates.
Environmental changes affect our bodies is so many ways, but you can learn how to control your blood pressure and cholesterol irrespective of the climate you live in.
It is even said some astrologers can predict the potential illnesses of individual at the moment of their birth due to the position of the planets. Here are some interesting facts on the effects of the climate around you and what causes your high blood pressure, the silent killer:
It is possible to live a healthy life in drastic weather conditions and keep your blood pressure under control:
Growing plants and trees in your back year is another great way to help regulate the temperate regardless of the climate you live in.
Gardening is another form of exercising and a great way to add meditation to your life. Any form of physical exercise reduces your cholesterol and lower your stress. Just looking at the plants inside your home, on your deck or in your yard will bring a smile to your face and body. When I look at plants around my home somehow, I feel myself relaxing and smiling.
So take all precautions necessary, like your clothing, medication, diet and blood pressure monitoring and be well prepared by observing weather forecast and your doctor's advice.
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