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The relation between coffee and high blood pressure have been a concern to you and many others. Especially when you're hoping a cup or two of coffee is a harmless way to start your morning. Who can resist a good cup of cappuccino, latte, or mocha.
But the relationship between blood pressure and caffeine has been studied in hundreds of scientific studies that has provided no solid evidence that moderate caffeine consumption significantly raises blood pressure over the long run.
It does however temporarily affect your blood pressure. Though hypertension usually occurs because of stress, a neglected diet, your busy lifestyle and also of your age.
Caffeine is a chemical compound found in leaves, seeds, and fruits of more than sixty-three plant spices, but is mostly consumed from coffee and cocoa beans, cola nuts and tea leaves.
This chemical compound in any form has been shown to temporarily raise blood pressure. But the drinking of multiple cups of high-octane coffee is a definite cause of persistently elevated blood pressure. A 5 mm Hg in blood pressure may sound like nothing, but it results in a 21 percent rise in the incidence of heart disease and especially when taken with alcohol or tobacco.
Starbucks is now adding olive oil to their coffee, why not you also making your morning coffee healthier.
Whether you're an avid coffee drinker or an occasional sipper, adding healthy ingredients to your cup can give you a much-needed nutritional boost. Plenty of delicious additions, from spices to superfoods to plant-based milk, can give your coffee a health kick. Let's look at some of the best and most effective options.
Cinnamon: Add a dash of cinnamon to your coffee for a delicious flavor boost and a good dose of antioxidants. Cinnamon is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation in the body. Plus, cinnamon may also help control blood sugar levels.
Superfoods: If you want to make your morning pick-me-up superpowered, add some superfoods. One excellent option is maca powder which contains plenty of vitamins and minerals, including iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamin B6, riboflavin (B2), thiamin (B1), and niacin (B3). Other superfoods include chia seeds or flaxseeds, which provide fiber and omega-3 fatty acids that support brain health.
Making healthier additions to your morning cup may seem daunting initially; however, plenty of easy swaps will make your coffee even better. The possibilities are endless, from coconut oil or butter for an extra boost of healthy fats to organic milk alternatives for an added layer of creaminess.
The drinks you consume throughout your day can have significant impact on your blood pressure readings. But, while some drinks have a negative effect, there are also others that have the result of balance to your blood pressure readings.
When it comes to the relation between coffee and high blood pressure, it was thought for a long time that coffee drastically increases your blood pressure levels. However, as more and more studies were conducted it was revealed that the reality is a different one.
Here's something to think about. According to one recent research, the cup of coffee you enjoy in the morning may be protecting your brain. It appears that caffeine help protect the so-called blood-brain barrier from the harmful effects of high cholesterol, possible reducing the risk of dementia.
The research has even suggested that caffeine can help shore up memory in older people. It stimulates the release of bile acids and lower levels of stone-forming cholesterol in bile fluid.
In 1999 Dr. James Lane at the Duke University assessed the effects of caffeine on seventy-two coffee drinkers, twice a day, who were given 250 milligrams of caffeine, about two to two and a half 6-ounce cups of coffee in a capsule form over a two-week study.
In this study the individuals blood pressure was slightly elevated throughout the day, which can adversely affect your health. This study showed that excessive coffee drinking does adversely affect your blood pressure.
Another study that was coordinated by Dr. Wolfgang Winkelmayer conducted over a twelve-year period showed that women drinking a cup of coffee regularly have in fact a lower risk for high blood pressure over those who only occasionally consume coffee.
The explanation of this study's result was that coffee contains antioxidants, a substance that helps to lower your heart disease and reduce cancer risk.
Though another argument for the those result states that the fact that those women drank coffee regularly became tolerant to increased blood pressure levels.
The study states that the relationship was unclear for a long time, but it is now known that even if coffee leads to increased blood pressure, it doesn't represent a risk factor for heart disorders in a healthy person.
As you can see coffee and high blood pressure are not negatively connected. So, coffee lovers you can continue to enjoy your morning coffee, cappuccino, latte, and mocha. This is great news for me because I happen to love cappuccino.
It would seem drinking coffee on a daily basis doesn't lead to blood pressure problems in the long run.
Since your diagnosis, how are you handling it and whats your treatment?
Do rave about your health.
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