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The blood pressure machines are those devices that are designed to measure the pressure of your blood against your blood vessels. And, because this reading can mean the difference between a lifetime of taking pills and freedom from taking medications, you want to avoid the many problems that may lead to an inaccurate blood pressure reading.
High blood pressure is a chronic disease and a silent killer. If left untreated your blood pressure can damage your heart, kidneys and brain.
One of the most effective steps you can take to monitor your health is to measure your own blood pressure correctly with a home monitoring device. A properly working blood pressure monitor is required to give you an accurate measurement.
Regularly readings is great but should not take the place of your physician's regular monitoring.
There are a vast range of blood pressure monitors available on the market. While the purpose of these blood pressure machines are the same, selecting and choosing the right one for yourself can be a difficult task.
There are certain facts to consider when selecting the correct blood pressure monitor that will give you an accurate blood pressure reading.
very important fact to consider is choosing the correct cuff size that
matches your arm size. The cuff bladder, the part that inflates should
be 20% wider than the diameter of your arm, and about twice as long as
it is wide. The cuff should fit your arm snugly.
In other words, if the machine cuff size is too big or too small you will get an inaccurate blood pressure reading.
This is very important now that we have children with high blood pressure. So having the correct cuff size is important in getting an accurate reading.
Finger and wrist monitors are becoming more and more popular. They are easy to use and can be convenient for you if you have difficulty with finding the correct cuff size for your upper arm.
Still it is said that the finger and wrist monitors lack the accuracy of the upper arm units.
The list of all blood pressure monitors that are available on the market is huge and cannot all be listed here.
You can easily select anyone of the above monitors here that also offers their prices and specification details.
If you feel that after a certain period of time your blood pressure monitor is not giving you accurate results then you must re-calibrate your machine as these monitors requires re-calibration every two years.
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