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Eat Beets And Increase Your Sexuality While Lowering High Blood Pressure

Do you know beets have the highest sugar content of any vegetable around, is great for your heart and sexuality?  It is loaded with potassium, magnesium, beta carotene, and folate, with the leaves being the most nutritious part. When eaten raw they are crunchy and sweet and filled with superior health benefits.

Eat beets and increase your sexuality.

In ancient times it was used as an aphrodisiac.  It increases blood flow naturally and contain high amounts of boron, which is directly related to human sex hormones production.

Oh, just a little known secret - 40% of the world's refined sugar comes from it, adding a healthy sweetness to your diet.

This red root grows deep into the soil, so it help you feel strong and rooted providing you with lots of nutrients.

Ways Beets Keeps Your Heart Healthy

Here is how the nutrients help to keep you heart-healthy.

Folate  is known to lower the level of homocysteine - a by-product of protein metabolism, in your blood, that can damage and narrow your arteries leading to heart attacks and strokes.

Potassium help to control your blood pressure keeping your levels down.

High Fiber content part of the foods for high blood pressure control that absorbs water slowing down your digestion allowing you to lose weight.  This allows you to feel full longer so you eat less.

Beta Carotene along with potassium and magnesium all work to strengthens your bones.

Canned Or Fresh Juice Which One Is Better?

Beets juice,

Canned ones are easy to prepare and taste pretty good, but the fresh ones has twice as much potassium and folate.

Try this salad recipe and tell me what you think.  Yummy!!

Nutritious Beets Leaves

Don't throw away this red rooted leaves, they are highly nutritious.  Eat them.

Here is an easy way  to prepare these leaves for eating.  Heat up some olive oil or grapeseed oil in a frying pan, add some seasoning, add leaves, and saute.  Its delicious.

Refreshing Juicing Mix

Juicing is one of the best health enhancing benefits you can do for your body and fresh juices taste great.  This one will be sweet.

The root along with the leaves are know as powerful cleansers and blood builders when juiced.  The greens has an abundance of chlorophyll, vitamins A and C along with calcium and potassium.

I find this mix refreshing and less tart. Fresh beet juice mixes well with apple, carrot and cucumber juices.  Do drink moderate amounts since the greens are powerful kidney and blood cleansers.

Cooking This Red Root

We aim to keep all the nutrient of this vegetable so do not boil them.

  • Cut off stem to just an inch above the root.

  • Wash scrub lightly, but do not tear the skin.

  • Wrap in aluminum foil and bake at 375 degrees for about a hour.


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