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Juicing For Hypertension

Juicing for hypertension is the perfect, natural and prevention treatment to complement your high blood pressure control.  Daily drinking of fruit and vegetable juices provides your body with a built-in immune and nervous system booster.  

A great way to start your day is by drinking a warm glass of water with freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon.  It will cleanse your system of the mucus you accumulated while sleeping and also aid in elimination.

Nature has given you many ways to keep your body healthy.  But, the modern world forgot about this particular thing.

Drugs are often used as the main remedy for many diseases.  When eating a healthy diet and juicing fruits and vegetables rich in chlorophyll, the enzymes derived from juicing are very helpful in lowering your blood pressure.

So What Is Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll is an enzyme encased in the green plants that grow from the soil on land or in the sea. 

These plants and fruits are charged by the sun, which provides the energy for these plants and fruits to photosynthesize the materials necessary to detox and rejuvenate tissues, cells, blood, arteries and nerves.

The benefits of juicing is detoxification.  Detoxification is not a one-time experience, it is an ongoing aspect of natural living.  When you are fully detoxified you can be disease free with the ability to experience excellent health, great longevity and vitality.

It is possible to reverse high blood pressure, the aging process and become more youthful regardless of your age.

Dietary Habits

Dietary habits influence our well being. Hypertension should be monitored as it increases the risks of strokes, kidney diseases and other cardiovascular diseases.

So adding the habit of juicing to your diet, increases the levels of good substances that will help cleanse your body of waste.

Oranges For Juicing

OJ is America's favorite drink and most of it is commercially made, and contains added concentrated sugar.  Concentrated and commercially made juices are not recommended if you are juicing for hypertension.

But, fresh-squeezed oranges or peeled oranges juiced in a high-speed-juicer are superior in taste and nutrition.

Fresh orange juice is rich in vitamins A and C and also contains folic acid, biotin, bioflavonoids, niacin and eleven amino acids.  Oranges has an abundance of minerals, including calcium, chlorine, iron, manganese, magnesium, potassium and zinc to name a few.

This juice cleanses and tones your gastrointestinal tract.  Improving permeability and strengthens your capillary walls.

Both your heart and lungs benefit from the regular consumption of fresh-squeezed oranges.

How To Select And Juice Oranges

  • Select firm, heavy juicing oranges with thin skins.
  • A pound of oranges yield six to eight ounces of liquid

Drink three to four 6-ounce glasses per week.  It will alkalize an acidic blood and help in the treatment of heart disease and high blood pressure.

Positive Effects Of Juicing For Hypertension

Juicing has many positive effects, like helping to maintain and increase your immune system.

Besides this healthy habit you should include exercising as another practical way for lowering hypertension and maintaining a good lifestyle.  Your health depends on how well you take care of yourself.

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