How To Turn Guided Meditation Into
Your Power Of Intention!

Imagine using these audio and eBook guided meditation practices to become the master of your mind, have the peace that comes when you have the power to stop your thoughts for ten seconds, fifteen seconds and so on. Until you decide whether you’ll think or not.

Can you imagine the peace that comes with that? I think it is indescribable. From you learning how to master your mind you’ll also automatically be the master of the law of attraction. Let’s get started!!

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I was told to join a guided meditation class to learn how to breathe correctly, relax, and as part of my high blood pressure treatment, but I kept resisting. The thought of sitting still for five minutes was too much for me.

But the day I hit rock bottom in my health, it was also the day I realized if I didn’t do things differently, I was going to die real soon. Finally, I said to myself, "Donna what do you have to lose here you might really gain something". At first, I found hope, then so much more.

Meditation helped me to experience what my five senses couldn’t detect, and I want you to discover the wisdom that is within you for yourself. Regardless of whatever is going on around you, when you enter the sacred space of meditation, all your doubts about your value as a supreme creation dissolve.

“Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It is a way of entering into the quiet that is already there buried under the 50,000 thoughts the average person thinks every day.”

– Deepak Chopra

I discovered that my mind is the Master-power that shaped my life, and you, the individual is Mind, is always searching whether consciously or unconsciously, using the tool of Thought, to bring forth a thousand joys or a thousand ills.

Purchase these guided meditation audios and instructional eBook, and you’ll soon create your own path to serenity, success, escape the turmoil that’s all around, giving you refuge. With practice you’ll hear your own whispers of wisdom and be a master of the law of attraction.

Meditation doesn’t mean putting your mind in neutral and thinking about nothing. On the contrary it’s where you sit down and spend time every day thinking seriously, and deeply. Keeping your mind on whatever is true, pure, right, holy, friendly, and proper. 

Don’t ever stop thinking about what is truly worthwhile and worthy of praise…peace will be with you. With these guided meditation practices, it will be your starting point for spiritual change and growth. It is simply thought digestion.

Now I urge and encourage you to use these Guided Meditation practices to turn down the chatter within the mind, discover your inner voice, the true meaning of your life and your well-being.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Spiritual Leader, said and I quote:

  • Meditation is the only way you can grow. There is no other way out. Because when you meditate, you are in silence. You are in thoughtless awareness. Then the growth of awareness takes place.

  • You must know your Spirit ... for without knowing your Spirit, you cannot know the truth.

  • You are not this body, you are not this mind, you are the Spirit ... this is the greatest truth.

  • You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you.

Its possible to become free from the negative thoughts that no longer serve you.

As you breathe in and out sensations rise and fall in the body and in the mind and slowly your thoughts begin to settle. You'll be able to love and become friends with yourself.  

I read this story of a group of workers cutting ice out of a frozen lake and storing it in an icehouse, when one of them realized that he had lost his watch in the building.

They went back into the icehouse and searched for it in vain.

A young boy had seen them search and exist the building without finding the watch. This young boy then went into the icehouse and soon emerge with the watch. They asked him how he managed to find it. He replied: “I just sat down and kept quiet, and soon I could hear it ticking.”


By you sitting quietly, even for five minutes, you too will be able to hear the whispering wisdom of your thoughts.

Create A Sacred Space To Meditate

You must have a room or a certain hour of the day or where you do not know what was in the morning paper ... a place where you can simply experience and bring forth what you are, and what you might be ... At first you may find nothing's happening ... But if you have a sacred place and use it, take advantage of it, something will happen.

- Joseph Campbell


Hi, I'm Donna Williams, a Certified Holistic Health Coach and Author with my own private coaching practice, online courses and workshops.

Diagnosed with this chronic disease over thirty years ago, and they have been challenging health years; I realized I had to make major changes to my lifestyle or live with the complications of this disease. 

That was not the option I wanted at such a young age in my life.

I wanted the chance to meet and enjoy my grand-and-great-grand-children in a healthy environment to influence their minds about creating the life they desired.

As I mentioned before, my acupuncturist to be exact, said to me on many occasions start meditating, it will be good for your blood pressure and your body as a whole. But I kept resisting. Finally, I said to myself, "Donna what do you have to lose here you might really gain something".

Every day I give thanks for that thought.  Now I have developed patience, clarity of mind, emotional and spiritual strength that I did not know was there. There is a sanctuary to tap into within.  And best of all I have vibrancy, quality health and the possibility of longevity.

Its your turn to give this guided meditation a chance and connect to your power of intention and to heal yourself.

Researchers say only about one-third of the individuals who are prescribed medications, for this condition, are able to bring their blood pressure under control.

The realization of today is the diseases that kills are largely caused by lifestyle. 

Human beings can work inwardly by means of their thought, their will, and their spirit to obtain the nourishing healing elements they need.

The practice of meditation is thousands of years old, and countless of individuals have attested to its power to heal, create compassion and wisdom.

Even the scientific researchers have agreed that this practice had improve health, reduce stress and is a way by which individuals can improve the quality of their lives.

Guided Meditation is learned by doing rather than by studying. Know that meditation is a spiritual art that leads to perfection, to the realization that we are one with the Infinite

I urge you to now purchase your own copy so you can practice these meditations to lower your high blood pressure today and be the master of your mind - it is indescribable.

Rarely you can think yourself out of a negative or anxious state, but you can often breathe yourself out of one.

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Healing Meditation For The Whole Body

These healing and guided meditation practices assist in the managing of high blood pressure and in building your creative mind.

Its also for individuals thats taking two or three medications daily, especially if their numbers are of malignant blood pressure measurement.

  • Have been diagnosed with hypertension.
  • And, have been experiencing challenging side effects.

Are also seeking relief from:

Meditating Woman,
  • Fear filled thoughts.

  • Feeling like a prisoner inside your body and mind to your medications and its many side effects. Such as dry cough, vomiting, headache, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, swollen extremities, erectile dysfunction and others.

  • Unhappy and disconnected from life.

  • You are sometimes so busy that you live in your thoughts of past or future.

  • The constant negative psycho babble thoughts.

  • Having sensations of pain throughout your whole being.

I have lived through some of those emotions and thoughts.

The babble still continues but with meditation the level is turned all the way down and its more an awareness.  I am able to control it better and also change the conversation going on in my head.

The mind and body are deeply interconnected, so when the mind is on a constant go-around health is affected.

This guided meditation practice is intended to help you discover peace, a calmness of mind that surpasses understanding and tap into a healing inherent in the body.

Become free from the negative thoughts that no longer serve you.

Instructional E-book and Digital Daily Recordings

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Happiness Is Your Birthright

My belief is that the purpose of life is to make oneself happy and content. Therefore, it is to your benefit to discover what will bring about the greatest degree of happiness for you.

Meditation Posture,

The foundation of this happiness is love, compassion and acceptance of all mankind. To gain this state of happiness we have to put our mind at ease and in the pursuit of this peace, it is necessary to calm the mind.

Sri Chinmoy wrote a book called Meditation Man-Perfection In God-Satisfaction.  In it he states:  

"It is only through meditation that we can get lasting peace, divine peace.  If we meditate soulfully in the morning and receive peace for only one minute, that one minute of peace will permeate our whole day.  And, when we have a meditation of the highest order, then we get really abiding peace, light and delight".

Meditation is a divine gift that simplifies and energizes lives.

These daily meditative sessions take you through samples or taste of the different types of meditation practices. Hence the importance of these 21 Days Guided Meditation videos to lower your blood pressure.

Breathing Exercises

Meditating Man,

The simple technique of breathing is to help you relax and is more important than you might think.  It is said "any time you want to control your mind, first control your breathing".

Mental restlessness is the main impediment to deeper meditation and these basic breathing exercises are extremely effective in stilling thoughts. The initial techniques of each day work with subtle energies within your body's vibration.

As we change the magnetism of our consciousness, we change the static created by thoughts and desires. Meditation is like a spiritual search that is designed specifically to calm the mind and rid it of the noise.

Learn how to redirect thoughts to the present moment and release your mind from its continual cycle of reviewing the past or planning the future.

Once quieted our perception of "I AM" to infinity expand and we will finally realize our true self.

The first step is relaxation.  Once you relax the body and mind, blood pressure is lowered, and we are ready to proceed to the next state of meditation:  Concentration.

These 21 Days Of Guided Meditation Videos

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Everything you need to start your very own practice of daily meditation is part of these sessions. Know that meditation is the most natural and rewarding of all activities you will ever be a part of.

  • Guided Meditation Instructional Ebook, "Essence Of Meditation" with inspirational quotes and references for you to download. Its a keepsake for you to read and go at your own pace practicing these steps everyday of your life.
  • 21 Videos of Daily Guided Meditation Practices.

Meditating Woman,

Start today with techniques to release deep-seated anxiety, anger, and become serene.

As you maintain this daily guided meditation practice you'll naturally want to meditate longer. And, once you have established this beautiful beneficial routine you will have developed a strong habit.

If time is short that's okay, remember the depth of your meditation is more important than the length.

Deepen your spiritual self. Meditation has the power to transform lives, so please use these 21 days of guided meditation to find this truth.

When Buddha achieved enlightenment, he realized suffering is optional. He then realized that instead of working harder and harder to understand life, relaxing more and more until the questions you have are answered is the key

Now its your turn to discover the path to protecting your mind from your heart, purchase and download your copy now!!

Instructional E-book and Digital Daily Recordings

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