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Overcoming High Blood Pressure, Issue #006 - Acupressure And High Blood Pressure
July 08, 2011

Overcoming High Blood Pressure

Overcoming High Blood Pressure is introducing a Three Part series on the healing touch of acupressure and high blood pressure. Part 1 will begin with next month's issue, this month I am introducing you to acupressure and how to use your fingertips.

At the end of the Three Part Series of healing you'll be able to lower your high blood pressure in an emergency. Give yourself quality care using acupuncture pressure points.

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Overcoming High Blood Pressure
Acupressure And High Blood Pressure

Issue #006 - July 8th, 2011

This month's newsletter reviews:

Techniques Of Acupressure
Fingertip Pressure Techniques

Lets start the Introductory of Acupressure and High Blood Pressure.

Life is energy with our bodies made up or complex living organism. Everything we do, eat, think and feel affects our health and well being.

Therefore we can change our health through the practices of acupressure which re-directs our energy that help to maintain our balance and also restore our health.

Techniques Of Acupressure

There are many techniques for using your hands to heal and relax your body. You will note how these procedures are related to the Swedish massage, Japanese Shiatsu and many other techniques that have all proven themselves, all of them working with the human reflexes.

All of them dealing with your autonomic nervous system, that releases tension in your body and at the same time bringing help to individuals seeking health.

These hand palpitations uses the meridian of your body to move energy and create healing.

I highly recommend these two books that walks you through different steps of applying acupressure.

Acupressure's Potent Points: A Guide to Self-Care for Common Ailments

Healing with Pressure Point Therapy: Simple, Effective Techniques for Massaging Away More Than 100 Common Ailments

How To Use Your Fingertips

  1. Thumb Thrusting is done with the ball of your thumb. Areas that you'll be using that procedure on is on your chest, abdomen, low back and limbs.
  2. At times your thumb and index finger are used to grasped gently the soft tissues of your skin over an acupressure point and gently move back and forth.
  3. Your index, third and ring fingers may be used together on your abdomen and your face to stimulate.
  4. You should use the palm of your hand to exert pressure over your eye which must be gently, but can be used firmly and deep over your abdomen.

Because you may have weak thumbs, you should use your third finger, with the thumb and index finger over the acupressure point to apply the healing touch of acupressure.

Tap into your own healing power to treat acupressure and high blood pressure, relieve your pain and treat ailments of all different kinds without drugs.

Acupressure point therapy prevents illness and help your own body's natural immune defense.

Next month will be Part 1 to the three Part Series starting with the 'Magic Buttons Of Acupressure'.


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Warmest regards,

Donna M

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